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NGO or Non Government organisation in its expanded form is literally in thousands in India covering a very diverse field. It ranges from healthcare, Education and Training, Employment, Homes and Shelter, To Animal Husbandry, Mines and Mining to name a few. Helping Hand India Ngo is a Registered, Non- Government, Non Political, Non-Profit, secular community based public welfare organisation having no discrimination of caste, colour or creed. We believe in collective responsibility for ensuring caring and better opportunities. Helping Hand India focuses on the specific goals of Our Working and Our Vision • Old Age Home • Free Computer Education for Women • Orphanage/Blind School • Free Child Care School • Blood Donation Camp in all states. • Free Job Placement for women • Monthly Camps in rural areas
Since we do not raise money from the capital market we are dependent on donations for our capital and revenue expenses. Also manpower is managed by volunteers and charity which is prompted by spiritual and emotional welfare.. Additionally we are a registered trust with our unique identification number and other statutory norms completed in mid 2015 and are located in the State of Delhi. Our website id is: and email id is: Donors and volunteers can contact us at any of the two listed contact points. The donation coupons with you are in different denominations. Such as Rs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 per leaf and total s Rs 600/- in a bunch. In practise it means that you can donate to a particular cause listed above by buying coupons in different denominations ranging from Rs 1 /- to a complete booklet of Rs 600/-as a minimum and maximum donation in the said booklet. These amounts so donated and collected by an intermediary is for the specific purpose of charity. An amount donated as Rs 500/- and in excess can claim 80G income tax rebate on submission of proof thereof by submitting donation coupons serially duly authenticated by the individual authorised to distribute and also collect donation coupons by Helping Hand India Ngo’s authorised representative and signatory. These donation coupons are to be sold only within the geographical limits of the State of Delhi and the National Capital Region. In case of a dispute the decision of Helping Hand India Ngo represented by the General Secretary and one Advisor from the Board of Directors will be final and delivered within one month of filing the complaint duly accepted by Helping Hand India Ngo’s authorised representative. In that sense the legal jurisdiction will always remain in Delhi.